SCU - BRB Cluster
To connect to the SCU - BRB cluster, you must be connected to the WCM VPN service
Reserve session on node
Jupyter-notebook can be installed from within a node. To reserve an interactive session on a node, the following commands can be run:
[user@my_workstation ~]$ ssh [cwid@scu-login02 ~]$ srun --pty -n1 --mem=8G -p scu-cpu /bin/bash -i
More slurm information can be found here:
Perform jupyter-notebook installation
[rma3001@scu-node001 ~]$ conda create -n jupyter-notebook [rma3001@scu-node001 ~]$ conda activate jupyter-notebook [rma3001@scu-node001 ~]$ conda install -c anaconda jupyter
Connecting to Jupyter Notebook
Configure Local SSH Config File
Configure your ~/.ssh/config file on your local workstation to properly connect to the internal node that will run your Jupyter Notebook:
Replace MY_CWID, with your CWID:
Host scu-node* user MY_CWID ProxyCommand ssh -W %h:%p scu-login02 Host scu-login02 Hostname user MY_CWID ServerAliveInterval 60 TCPKeepAlive yes
For seamless access to the cluster and Jupyter Notebooks, ensure your SSH Keys are configured
Run Jupyter Notebook
Jupyter notebook can be started through the following command:
[rma3001@scu-node001 ~]$ conda activate jupyter-notebook [rma3001@scu-node001 ~]$ jupyter notebook --no-browser --ip --port=8958
Keep track of the link. This will be needed once the SSH connection is established.
SCU - Cluster Connection
From within a different terminal, edit the ~/.ssh/config file on your local workstation to include the following, replace MY_CWID, with your CWID:
Host scu-node* user MY_CWID ProxyCommand ssh -W %h:%p scu-login02 Host scu-login02 Hostname user MY_CWID ServerAliveInterval 60 TCPKeepAlive yes
Once this is configured, you can run the following command on your local terminal, replace “scu-nodeXYZ” with the node that is running the Jupyter notebook
ssh -NL scu-nodeXYZ
As expected, this command will hang and will not produce any output.
On your local machine’s browser, enter the token link that was outputted when Jupyter notebook was run, beginning with…
Contact if you have any questions or if any issues are encountered.