FILESYSTEM brb-athena
USAGE: 49.27M | FILES: 191
Using rstudio on the cluster example
From the login node, you will run:
[CWID@scu-login02 ~ ]$ module load rstudio/4.2.1 [CWID@scu-login02 ~ ]$ rstudio_run
The following will appear after the rstudio run command:
RStudio Server has been successfully started on scu-node0## 1. Configure SSH forwarding to scu-node0##.scu by running either of the following on your local unix-based workstation: A. If connected to VPN: ssh -J cwid@scu-login02.med.cornell.edu -NL [port#]:localhost:[port#]cwid@scu-node0## B. If not connected to VPN: ssh -J cwid@aphrodite.med.cornell.edu,cwid@scu-login02.med.cornell.edu -NL 45981:localhost:45981 ciwd@scu-node0## ***Option B will only work if you previously had an account on the Greenberg cluster(aphrodite/pascal)*** C. If SSH config file is configured for RStudio port forwarding: ssh -NL [port#]:scu-node0##:[port#] scu-node0## 2. Point your web browser to http://localhost:[port#] 3. log in to RStudio Server using the following credentials: user: cwid password: <pass generated> |
Open a new terminal window/tab on your laptop and type/copy one of the options above
Option A example ssh -J cwid@scu-login02.med.cornell.edu -NL [port#]:localhost:[port#] cwid@scu-node0##
Password prompts will appear for the login node and compute node(scu-node0##)
Use your cwid password for both the login node and compute node
(cwid@scu-login02.med.cornell.edu) Password: cwid password cwid@scu-node079's password: cwid password once you hit enter it will hang
Once the forwarding is setup (your above terminal window on your laptop will appear like it is hanging), bring up a browser on your local box with: http://localhost:[port#]
Login with your cwid and password that was provided upon running rstudio_run
Point your web browser to http://localhost:#### log in to RStudio Server using the following credentials: user: cwid password: ##########
When done using RStudio, terminate the job by:
* Exit the RStudio Session ("power" button in the top right corner of the RStudio window) * Issue the following command on the login node: scancel -f [your_job_id]