SCU Dashboard

SCU Dashboard

The SCU dashboard allows you to access internal applications, which help you track SCU resources.

Accessing the SCU dashboard

You need an SCU account to access the dashboard. You can log in to the internal page on the SCU website, or go directly to scu.med.cornell.edu/dashboard

Main Dashboard

After logging in, you can access your applications from the main dashboard.

Depending on your permissions, you may only see some of the applications shown here.

Select 'Open Application' to open the respective application.

Storage Tracker

The storage tracker allows you to see your current storage usage on the various storage services maintained by the SCU. You can also retrieve statements showing your monthly usage.

Compute Tracker

The compute tracker allows you to track your current compute usage on the various computational services maintained by the SCU.

Token Authority

This applications allows you to review your permissions granted for your SCU account.

Most permissions listed here are for the SCU maintained web applications and APIs. Cluster and storage permissions are maintained separately.