I/O and Redirection

I/O stands for input/output. Redirection allows us to direct input and output functions to specific files or folders using special commands or characters.


Standard Streams

  1. Standard Input (stdin): This is the default source of input for a command, usually the keyboard. It’s represented by the number 0.

  2. Standard Output (stdout): This is the default destination for output from a command, usually the terminal screen. It’s represented by the number 1.

  3. Standard Error (stderr): This is the default destination for error messages from a command, also usually the terminal screen. It’s represented by the number 2.


Types of Redirection

1. Overwrite Redirection: 

Overwrite redirection is useful when you want to save the output of a command to a file, replacing the file's existing content entirely.

  • “>” standard output – Redirects stdout to a file, overwriting the file if it exists

command > file.txt ls > directory_list.txt #lists the contents of the current directory and saves the output to directory_list.txt
  • “<” standard input – Redirects stdin from a file

command < file.txt wc < hello.txt #command counts the lines, words, and characters in hello.txt

2. Append Redirection: 

Append the output to the file without overwriting the existing data.

  • “>>” standard output – Redirects stdout to a file, appending to the file if it exists

cat >> file.txt echo "Hello again!" >> hello.txt #adds “Hello again!” to the end of hello.txt
  • “<<” standard input


3. Merge Redirection:

Error Redirection – Save error messages to a file

2>” re-directs the error output to a file named “error.txt”

error message generated by “2” gets merged with the current output “1“. 


Redirecting Both stdout and stderr

Overwrite a file with both outputs

Append both outputs to a file