In this example, we are using wcmc#scu-brb endpoint
Authenticateaccess by using your WCM cwid and password
**This only authenticates one side. Repeat same step on the second search columnfor the transfer destination.
Path Bar will automatically show this /~/ , you can delete this portion ~/ and specify the desired transfer path: /athena/<labname>/scratch/cwid/…
Start Button Starts the transfer from the designated path set under wcmc#scu-brb to second destination(or vice versa).
Example: /athena/lab/scratch/cwid/folder → or ← /athena/lab/scratch/cwid/folder
Example: /athena/lab/scratch/cwid/folder → or ← Non-WCM endpoint Data Path
You can check the state of the Transfer through the Activity Tab on the left hand side of the webpage.