Access to the Cayuga cluster is restricted to connections from the Cornell Ithaca or Weill VPNs.
Parallel File System (3.8P)
Each of the cayuga projects will have a setup: /athena/cayuga_####/scratch/[cwid]
There is also a symlink from the labname per cayuga project: /athena/[labname] --> /athena/cayuga_####
Accessing the cayuga cluster
Once you have completed the form sent for gaining access via ssh to your account on the cayuga cluster, you will receive a welcome email guiding you through: CAC TechDocs
Access via ssh using public/privates keys – Instructions will be provided when accounts are created.
You will have access to all 3 of the login nodes in order to: submit jobs to the scheduler, gain access to your project data files on the /athena storage and your home directories.
Login nodes:
Please email scu@med.cornell.edu with requests for cayuga cluster.
The below has documentation how to set up your access. This will only work if you have been ‘approved’ on our end.
Qty 1: A100 GPU node
Code Block |
* g0001: CPUs=128 Boards=1 SocketsPerBoard=2 CoresPerSocket=32 ThreadsPerCore=2 RealMemory=1024000
GPU [0-3]: NVIDIA A100: 80GB PCIe
Qty 2: A40 GPU node
Code Block |
* g00[2-3]: CPUs=128 Boards=1 SocketsPerBoard=2 CoresPerSocket=32 ThreadsPerCore=2 RealMemory=1024000
GPU [0-3]: NVIDIA A40: 48GB PCIe
Qty 21: CPU nodes (hyperthreading ON)