Request an interactive session on the login node: ie scu-login01/scu-login02
If you need to run with X-forwarding & relion - make sure to add the --x11 in the srun command
Code Block |
srun -n1 -N1 --cpus-per-task=1 --partition=scucryo-cpu --mem=4G --pty bash -l |
If you have any questions or problems, please feel free to reach out to Derek Shore or the SCU.
This software is limited to those who have purchase the license only. SBGRID membership is centered around a PI and their lab with an annual membership fee.
Are you added to the sbgrid group on the cluster?
Check using the command id → 1081(sbgrid) should appear in the results
If you the group doesn’t appear, please email SCU - scu@med.cornell.edu
Code Block [cwid@scu-login02 ~ ]$ id uid=12345(cwid) gid=538(wmcstaff) groups=538(wmcstaff),1081(sbgrid)
Using Remote Desktop Protocol(RDP)
On the login node insert command: type -a srun
Code Block srun () { if id -nG | grep --color=auto -qw 'sbgrid'; then sg sbgrid "/usr/bin/srun $*"; else sg $default_group_per_slurm "/usr/bin/srun $*"; fi } srun is /usr/bin/srun
If you do not have the results above, then copy the code below and add into your ~./bashrc and then save and source ~./bashrc
Code Block #change the users group if [[ $(id -un) != "root" ]] ; then default_group_per_slurm=`sacctmgr -p -n show user $USER | awk -F '|' '{print $2}'` if [[ $default_group_per_slurm == "rhauptlab" ]]; then default_group_per_slurm="riegelhauptlab" fi srun() { if id -nG | grep -qw 'sbgrid'; then sg sbgrid "/usr/bin/srun $*" else sg $default_group_per_slurm "/usr/bin/srun $*" fi } sbatch() { if id -nG | grep -qw 'sbgrid'; then sg sbgrid "/usr/bin/sbatch $*" else sg $default_group_per_slurm "/usr/bin/sbatch $*" fi } fi