Cluster Name:
Indicate which cluster you're using.
General information (If applicable):
Username: Include your username on the cluster.
Goal: Describe what you are trying to achieve.
Problem Start: When did the issue begin?
Previous Functionality: Did this work before, or is this your first time attempting it?
Actions Taken: List the steps you've already tried to resolve the issue.
Details Section (if applicable):
SLURM Job IDs and Node: Include the Slurm job IDs and specify the node(s) where the error occurred.
Screenshots: Attach screenshots of the steps or errors you encountered; small details can often be helpful.
Exact Commands: Share the specific commands you entered into the console.
Error Messages: Describe the symptoms and include any error messages.
SLURM Output Path: Provide the absolute path to the Slurm output containing the error message (e.g.,
).Troubleshooting: Mention whether you’ve tried searching for the error message or troubleshooting online.
Commands and Error Messages (if applicable):
Exact Commands: Share the specific commands you entered into the console.
Error Message: Describe the symptoms and include any error messages.