Access to the Cayuga cluster is restricted to connections from the Cornell Ithaca or Weill VPNs.
Parallel File System (3.8P)
Each of the cayuga projects will have a setup: /athena/cayuga_####/scratch/[cwid]
There is also a symlink from the labname per cayuga project: /athena/[labname] --> /athena/cayuga_####
Accessing the cayuga cluster
Once you have completed the form sent for gaining access via ssh to your account on the cayuga cluster, you will receive a welcome email guiding you through: CAC TechDocs
Access via ssh using public/privates keys – Instructions will be provided when accounts are created.
You will have access to all 3 of the login nodes in order to: submit jobs to the scheduler, gain access to your project data files on the /athena storage and your home directories.
Login nodes:
Please email scu@med.cornell.edu with requests for cayuga cluster.
The below has documentation how to set up your access. This will only work if you have been ‘approved’ on our end.
Please email scu@med.cornell.edu with requests for cayuga cluster.
The below has documentation how to set up your access. This will only work if you have been ‘approved’ on our end.
You will follow the steps for setting up your access
For Steps 10 - 12 --- On Mac Terminal
Please note that you do not have to name your key as keyfile-private-file
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scicomp@MAC2024 ~ %
scicomp@MAC2024 ~ % ls -ld ~/.ssh #Confirm you have a .ssh directory - in this example we have a .ssh
drwx------ 10 scicomp staff 320 Sep 4 14:38 /Users/scicomp/.ssh
#If you DO NOT have an output as above use command mkdir ~/.ssh
scicomp@MAC2024 ~ % cd .ssh
scicomp@MAC2024 .ssh % vim keyfile-private-file
#other commands: touch keyfile-private-file or nano keyfile-private-file
# chmod 600 ~/.ssh/keyfile-private-file
scicomp@MAC2024 .ssh % ls -l
-rw------- 1 scicomp staff 420 May 9 2024 keyfile-private-file
#permissions have been change.
#Your login will fail if your permissons are not as stated above.
scicomp@MAC2024 ~ % ssh -i ~/.ssh/<keyfile-private-file> <cwid>@cayuga-login1.cac.cornell.edu
#If you're not in the .ssh directory you will need the full path to the key
Config file
Add to or create a new file on your laptop to add the login nodes and all hosts ~/.ssh/config
On Mac Terminal
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scicomp@MAC2024 ~ %
scicomp@MAC2024 ~ % cd .ssh
scicomp@MAC2024 .ssh % ls #check what is listed below if there is anything
scicomp@MAC2024 .ssh % vim config |
Editing your config file
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Host cayuga-login1
Hostname cayuga-login1.cac.cornell.edu
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/your_cayuga_key
User your_cwid
Host c00*
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/your_cayuga_key
User your_cwid
ProxyCommand ssh -i .ssh/your_key_name -W %h:%p cayuga-login1 |
In your chosen text editor you will save the file