cryoSPARC requires the group read/write permissions described above. As such, each member of your the lab will be able to read/write any file that is read/writable to the user ‘cryosparc_lab’. This is not necessarily bad (assuming there is a certain level of trust amongst all lab members); for example, if UserA is running cryoSPARC calculations in /athena/xyzlab/scratch/userA/cryosparc_stuff, then UserB could delete this entire directory if they wished. One way to limit this exposure is for you to create a specific directory for which to run cryoSPARC calculations in (thereby isolating group access). Once the calculations are complete, you could conceivably move the completed results into a more restricted directory (however, you should read the documentation carefully about migrating projects, as I don’t know how cryoSPARC2 how cryoSPARC will respond to this if additional work was needed). However, assuming everyone in the lab is nice/behaves ethically, you don’t have too worry much about this.
It’s clear for most jobs whether they require GPUs or not (obviously, if the calculation has an input for the # GPUs available, then it needs GPUs!). However, some are ambiguous. We recommend you assume that the calculation does not require GPUs (if it’s not clear) and submit to `cryo-cpu`. If the calculation does require GPUs, it will almost immediately error out complaining about `pycuda`—if you see this, just clear the job and submit to a GPU-queue. If trial-and-error is not your thing, I’m sure the cryoSPARC2 documentation describes the cryoSPARC documentation describes this in detail for each calculation